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SOTI's AphorVisions.jpg



"The busy mind

Never has time

To look inwards

Yet -

To look inwards -


Is the only way to find









Words © 2018 SOTI - All Rights Reserved.



The visual shows a number of changing images.


The Eye - the window to the soul, is here furtive and watching. 


A Light Bulb - flashes momentarily - the symbol of 'light' as inspiration - followed by an explosive hallow of bursting light - the symbol of ideas expanding and becoming, an 'Infinite Cosmic Universe of Ideas.' 


The Brain - the material source of 'cognitive thought' and 'ideas,' inside which, two flywheels turn.  The Brain - presented as a mechanistic object - whirring its action. 


A Clock - ticks as time itself moves on. 


These are all highly powerful images - heightened by the rapidity of change - all very busy.  The images themselves are not un benign.  However, it is the 'busy - ness' itself, which can become 'disconcerting' and which becomes the idea for consideration. 


The visual emphasizes the relentless and unforgiving pace which the 'mind,' -  in 'modern life' - is required to operate at -  constantly stimulated by rapidly repeating 'stimuli' - It seems an unnatural pace - what is the solution?





Line 1:


'The busy mind'


The 'busy mind' is the 'modern mind.' 


In its 'worse aspects,' a mind constantly stimulated - never at rest - in the waking hours.


How and when can such a 'mind' find peace?


Line 2:


'Never has time'


It is a feature of the busy mind that it never seems to have time to do all it 'seeks' to do in its 'Infinite Universe of Ideas.'


Line 3:


'To look inwards'


The 'busy mind' stimulated by 'external stimuli' - can if we are not careful, suffer from a serious deficit - and that is the ability to 'look inwards' - 'Introspection.'


It is through 'Introspection' that we are able to look clearly at 'ourselves' - 'Reflect' on our 'Being' - and thus gather a sense of 'whom' and 'what' 'we' 'truly are.' 


From this process we derive an 'Understanding' of our 'Being' - and are then empowered/enabled - to walk the path to 'Self Mastery' - this is the 'Self Audit' process.  


Lines 4 - 6:


'Yet -

To look inwards -



This process should be carried out regularly - it is as the wiping away of dust from the 'mirror' - whose 'clarity' of 'reflection' would otherwise be diminished. 


It is nothing less than the resurrecting of the mind - from the sands of time which seek to bury it - in mundane - though often necessary 'thoughts,' 'ideas' and 'deeds.' 


Line 7:


'Is the only way to find'


This process of 'Introspection' is as 'natural' and 'necessary' to the human organism as breathing.


In an ideal environment the process is 'natural' and can occur without much conscious effort.  But just as polluted air - causes an individual to become conscious of their, breathing and the air around it - and therefore take 'conscious' and 'practical' steps to minimize the intake through breathing  - of 'dirt,' 'grime' or other 'poisons.'


Similarly - now it is necessary - for individuals in a thoroughly corrupted - severely polluted 'social' and 'political' environment to take active steps to ensure their own 'sanity.'  If not, this severely polluted 'social' and 'political' environment - through the structure of its collapsing and dysfunctional 'family,' 'community,' 'workplace,' 'religious institutions,' 'political institutions,' 'education institutions' etc ... will cause and has caused the production of despairing minds. 


This can be seen in the massive increase in individuals suffering from illnesses such as 'anxiety' and 'depression.'  The solution is 'simple' - though necessary - and it is this - take time to 'Self Reflect' - take time for 'Introspection' - take time to 'Self Audit' - in a word - some form of 'Meditation' is a must.


Line 8:




It is through 'purpose' that we can develop a sense of meaning in our lives, therefore we must regularly consider what is the purpose of our lives/Existence.


Line 9:




Peace can be attained when the purpose of our Existence/lives is properly understood - such an 'Understanding' will automatically explore and at the very least should attempt to explain our relationship with others - our relationship with the surrounding environments - 'physical,' 'spiritual'/'mental,' 'emotional' - in short an understanding of the 'public space' and the 'private space' and that 'inner space' we all inhabit.  


Line 10:




Seek it! 


Line 11:




The solution to all the above is simple and clear - regularly engage in some form of 'Meditation.'



- Science Of The Immortals (SOTI)


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