'How To Use' Guide
'AphorVisions Meditations'
Introduction – What is Psychology?
The meaning of the word psychology can be derived from its component parts. The first part ‘psyche’ has its origins in Greek and can be translated roughly as being the human 'soul,’ ‘spirit’ or ‘mind.’
The second part of the word, ‘ology,’ again from the Greek, is used to refer to a 'subject of study.'
Thus, psychology can be seen as the study of the 'soul,' 'spirit' and/or 'mind' of an individual.
The ‘New Psychology’
The 'AphorVision' provides an easy way using visual medium to dig deeper into the essence of great philosophical ideas. It is an incisive and powerful tool.
In using an 'AphorVision,' the individual is able to fully ‘explore’ – the ‘essence’ of ‘psychology,' being the ‘multi-dimensional,’ pursuit of ‘knowledge,’ in its broadest sense.
The benefits of this understanding are practical - in terms of mental well being and general 'wellness' - we believe this to be part of the 'New Psychology' - which is self help oriented - relying principally on 'Introspection,' 'Contemplation' and 'Self Analysis/Auditing' - ultimately leading to 'Self Mastery.'
The ‘AphorVision’
iGURU! Teaching Systems has taken and adapted the classical/ancient tradition of the 'Aphorism.' These pithy and often short statements contain gems of human wisdom. iGURU! Teaching Systems has added to this, the visual sense and modified the 'Aphorism' to include modern visual media, the 'video.' We term these pieces of 'meaningful art' – ‘AphorVisions.'
In each post, you will find the text of the 'AphorVision' providing an insight/hint as to one possible 'understanding' of the video clip.
'Self Auditing' & The ‘Black Book’
In order to derive maximum benefit from this truly ‘revolutionary process’ – we recommend that you purchase a ‘Black Book’ – this will enable you to monitor and chart for yourself – the progress you are making – without the need of any ‘third party intermediary.’
You are to purchase a 'Black Book' (approx. A5 in size) to record any 'observations,' 'thoughts,' 'insights,' 'experiences' you may have, in relation to the ‘AphorVision’ – the title of which you will write at the top of the page.
This process of 'Self Auditing' is a great tool in the process of individual 'introspection,' 'self reflection' and 'self analysis.' These are extremely helpful practices and will prove useful in your personal development. This process is to be used with each ‘AphorVision.’
You will find your 'Black Book' is essential and to be a powerful source for 'Wisdom' and 'Understanding' - 'Strength,' 'Peace' and 'Joy.' Properly cared for, your 'Black Book' will reflect the very highest aspirations of your psychological, mental and personal development.
Of course, you do not have to follow any of the above instructions – iGURU! Teaching Systems have recommended them and offer these aids based on its own experience with its students – but you do need to have the ‘self belief’ – to pursue this quest, which is very natural – ‘pleasurable’ and ‘meaningful’ – which is driven by the innate curiosity we all have – and if the fire has dimmed – we must take steps to ‘reignite it.’ We owe this responsibility to ourselves.
Alternatively, you can register and subscribe to one of our iGURU! Teaching Systems courses – many of which are Free - to view a list of our online courses click here.
Finally, even if you do not subscribe to a course please feel free to drop us an email if you have any queries, suggestions or need any assistance with an ‘AphorVision’ or any other related topic – our instructors are always ready to assist.