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"Friend or Foe?

We reflect


Therefore -

Try to



- The 'New Psychology'

Words © 2018 The 'New Psychology' - All Rights Reserved.



The visual shows - a myriad of faces, moving against a black background - 'like star constellations in a night sky.'  The faces are of, varying, limited expressions, some with staring eyes - ghoulish in appearance - some more sinister - but all giving very little away.  - Are these 'beings,' 'friends' or 'foes?'


The dark space in the visual, represents your 'private space' - Cosmic in its significance - 'grandeur' and 'potential' - YOUR SPACE - yet, they are 'inhabited' by these - some at least, apparently ominous beings - how did they get here? - who are they are? - you cannot even tell whether they are 'friend' or 'foe.' 


Yet - this is your 'private space' - or is it? - 'your private space?' - Since apparently it is inhabited by those, whose presence you are unable to determine a motive - 'friend or foe?' 


The visual, thus, asks you to look into your 'private space' - examine it - as an act of 'introspection' - who inabits your private space? - how did they get there? - did you invite them? - they're there - 'friend or foe?'


You are thus, required to think about your 'private space' - since your 'private space' is 'inhabited' ultimately through your 'consent.'  Your 'private space' is the sum of your 'personal relation,' comprising in the main - 'family,' 'friends,' and individuals who will appear and disappear in accordance - ultimately - with your 'Will!' 


Now - you may say - but I don't like some of these relationships - that may be the case, but that does not negate - the ultimate responsibility you as a 'Sovereign Independent Being  (SIB) has for your 'private space.'  Thus, it is for you to determine whether the inhabitants of your 'private space' -  are 'friends or foes' - and take steps accordingly, to protect your 'private space.'




Line 1:


Friend or Foe?


'Friend or foe' - these two elements represents the extremes of 'potential relationships.'  They represent a duality of 'expression' of those relationships.  They are thus relative terms in relation to one another - they inhabit your 'private space.'


The act of 'Self Empowerment' you have, is 'YOUR DETERMINATION' - as to the category into which the individuals within your 'private space' are placed - 'friend or foe?' - that is for you to determine - and take steps accordingly - do not negate your 'responsibility' - do not negate/give away your 'power' by believing otherwise.


Lines 2-3:


'We reflect



The individual human being - is ultimately a 'Trans-Dimensional' - 'Sovereignly Integrated Being' (SIB) - a reflection of the 'ultimate' - in its Existence - a 'fractal' of the 'infinite' - 'Cosmos' - 'Absolute' -  'God' - whatever you desire to call the 'ultimate' in 'Existence.'


Since we as individuals are a 'fractal' /a reflection - of that 'Existence.'  Whatever we 'experience'  - in our 'existence' - is a reflection of us. 


If we are unhappy with 'circumstances,' 'situations' and even 'events' - in our 'experiences' - then we have the power to change them - if you do not believe that is possible - then that is your 'chain' - take steps to remove it.


Line 4:


'Therefore -'


The last commentary ended with the implicit question - 'how to remove the chain?' - by 'therefore' - we acknowledge that there is such a solution. 


Lines 5-6:


'Try to



The solution is simple - 'Unconditional Love.'


In its properly understood 'scientifically' understood aspects - for example in the field of physics - unconditional love represents a vibration - (not in the sentimental sense - good vibes etc ...) but in the scientific sense of it being a specific 'vibrational resonance' - it is a physically attainable state - which the physical body, experiences - at the physical 'vibrational' level. 


'Unconditional Love' is also a 'state' of 'mind' - a 'mental state,' which the 'subtle bodies' of the 'human being' experiences. 


From just these two states alone - (and one could go deeper if that were the purpose of this commentary) it can be seen that this state of 'Unconditional Love' is a reality. 


But - I hear you say - it's not 'possible' - how can it be done? - I have enemies. 


This is why it has been suggested in this 'AphorVision' that one should try - it is fully accepted that it is not an easy task - but the difficulty of a task does not suggest that the task is not a 'purposeful one' and that the task should be 'abandoned.'  Many 'great tasks' - 'purposeful tasks' were fraught with great difficulty. 


No - one must try as hard as one can - to Love - unconditionally.  - Since that is the only 'scientific' and 'emotional' - solution.


What is the benefit to you?


The reason why one should try and master the 'Science Of Unconditional Love' (SOUL) - is that in that mastery are contained the 'powers' - the true powers upon which the 'Cosmos' is founded - the only power that is required to ensure the attainment of ones 'incarnate destiny.'


'Unconditional Love' becomes your shield - behind which you can wield this truly awesome power against which nothing 'spiritual' or 'physical' - can stand.



- Science Of The Immortals (SOTI)



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