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"Your Life - 

Is extraordinary.

If only you would -


To look."



Words © 2018 SOTI - All Rights Reserved.



The visual shows an ordinary street, which could be anywhere, in any modern urban city. 


We see people walking up and down the street - in every sense of the word - this is an ordinary scene most of us are familiar with.  Nothing much here is happening - nothing much that is - until a person wearing a space suit with a space backpack and battered suitcase, is seen walking nonchalantly/casually just as any other of the passers by we have seen.  This is totally unexpected - this indeed is a strange sight.


Life - is very much like that, we can 'cruise along' - 'coast along,' 'casually' - nothing much is apparently happening or is apparently going to happen - But, is that the reality?





Lines 1 & 2:


‘Your Life -

Is extraordinary.’


The 'ordinariness' of Life - Is that the reality? - Is that the reality? - Of 'LIFE?' - No! - That is not so - That is not the 'reality.' 


'Life' - in and of itself - its very 'Essence' - the 'very fact of it'- is 'extraordinary'- Take time to think about that - Your Life - the very fact of your 'Being' is extraordinary.  Don't wait for a spaceman or woman to have to walk into your life for you to realize that.  Take time - even 'mere moments' - to think about that.


Therefore - even times of the deepest 'grief,' 'sorrow,' 'trials' - 'tribulations' - take 'comfort' in your Existence!  It may not be what you 'wish' or would - 'prefer' - but 'it IS' and - 'YOU ARE!  -   EXTRAORDINARY' - You Exist!' 


There are many unknown answers to this 'Existence' - it is indeed 'mysterious' but do not make the mistake - the error - of allowing the 'apparent ordinariness' of Life - to delude you into believing that Life is anything but extraordinary!  Your Life and that of every other human being - equally is so.



Line 3:


'If only you would -'


Your Life is directed by 'YOUR WILL' - OK -  yes - there is no such thing as 'absolute free will' - but this is not a philosophy class - we are concerned here with the 'practical mechanics' of Life and Existence - so - we can say, that we experience 'freewill' (deluded or otherwise.)  Then, at the very least from that starting point - your life is directed by 'your Will' - 'if you only you would' - if only would accept the - 'RESPONSIBILITY' of that Truth - If you did that - then with it would come the 'Power' to 'manifest'  -   that Truth in your 'Space-Time' - at Will!


Line 4:


'THINK! -'


There is only one 'Cosmological Imperative' - of this current 'sentient existence' we call 'Human' - that is to Think! - without thinking - you cannot even begin to understand the true significance of LOVE.


Line 5:


'To look.'


'Perception' is all - therefore 'Look' - not only with your 'physical eyes' - but with your 'intuitive eyes' - these are the eyes that 'sense,' 'feel' - 'experience' your 'environment.'  These environments are many - not just physical.  So - you have your 'social environment' - which comprises family and friends etc...  -  you have your 'psychic' and 'spiritual environment' - which comprises the several powers you use to maintain and support your bodily/'physical existence etc...'  You have your 'mental environment' - your 'mind'- the 'purity' of which, it is so vital to maintain - and  to ensure your 'sanity' - your 'coherence'  -  as a 'unified being'/'entity'  -  Your 'mental stability.' 


Know all these environments - and more - that is what it means  - 'TO LOOK!'


- Science Of The Immortals (SOTI)



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